Thank you for your desire to support the ministry of
Minnedosa Evangelical Covenant Church
How you are able to provide tithes, offerings or financial support to MECC:
1. Drop off your donation at the Church during our office hours: Wednesday, Thursday or Friday mornings (9:00am-12:00 pm).
2. Mail your offering to the church (Box 828 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0)
3. Credit Union members: you are able to add MECC as a bill payment option. Locate us by searching for "Minnedosa Evangelical Covenant Church".
4. We accept direct deposit through e-transfer through "covchurchgiving at" In the notes area, please include your name and mailing address. If you are wanting part of your donation designated towards an area such as missions, building maintenance, children/youth ministry, etc, please specify that and the amounts to go to those designations in the notes section as well.